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Articles in Category: Voice Controlled Home Automation

Manage your home’s speakers, lighting, thermostat, displays, and more with voice controlled home automation. Learn more about the technology in our blog series here!

Will Voice Controlled Home Automation Become the Norm? We Think So.

How Voice Control Shaped 2019 and Will Influence 2020

Will Voice Controlled Home Automation Become the Norm? We Think So.

Voice control is the future, and we’re only getting started. We’ve seen incredible expansion since voice assistants first emerged with Siri in 2011. It’s now estimated that one in every six Americans owns a smart speaker. Many experts predict that in the next five years, nearly every application in our homes will integrate voice.

In a few years, will we be telling elevators which floor to go to, or instructing our cars to pump gas? Only time will tell, but we’ve rounded up the latest voice innovations we saw in 2019 and share what developments to expect in 2020. Whether your Carmel, IN household is new to voice controlled home automation, or if you already use it routinely, learn more below.